Flying to Chicago today

Hi all,

Apologies for yesterday’s absence. I tried to get onto the website yesterday morning to post something, but the website was temporarily down for some reason so I couldn’t log in.

Anyway, today I am flying to Chicago and will be there for the best part of 3 months. Whilst I am away, I will be keeping up with the Arsenal in any way possible and will also be able to watch my beloved Chicago Bears.

I will have internet access whilst I’m away from home, so will be able to blog about Arsenal still. I will need to adjust my body clock to Chicago’s as they are 6 hours behind London and that took me a while when I last visited Chicago in February. I will be able to get at least one post a day in on most days.

Transfer Deadline Day is coming up soon (Friday) and it will be weird not watching Sky Sports News’ excellent coverage of the day for the majority of the day. I do believe they have SSN on a channel / network in the States, so maybe I will be able to catch some of it and watch some on the internet too. I will miss Match of the Day, Football Focus, Sky’s football coverage, the British media for 3 months, but it is a dream of mine that I am about to fulfil. Hopefully Arsene gives me some nice early birthday presents like he did last year for Deadline Day (birthday = 1st September, pencil it in your diaries).

My next post will be from across the pond, so see you all soon!