Arsenal Injury News: Aaron Ramsey, Danny Welbeck, Theo Walcott


Arsenal injury news has been rather positive of late, but in typical Gunner fashion, we’ve fallen on a bit of ill-tidings just before a crucial match-up against Southampton on Thursday (let’s call it a news “setback”). Here’s all the latest surrounding some of our key assets.

Aaron Ramsey: No, he won’t be back. While it was originally diagnosed as a minor injury and his projected return was January 1st, Ramsey has suffered what Arsenal fans worldwide fear worse than the boogeyman – a setback. No wait, check that, Arsene Wenger tells us that he didn’t have a setback, he’s having a precautionary setback to prevent a setback. Do you follow? Good.

Long story short, Rambo won’t be suiting up.

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Danny Welbeck: Welbeck is a doubt to play on Thursday due to a lingering hamstring injury that flared up again at West Ham. Welbeck’s form has been off and on, mainly off, but his pace and raw skill cannot be denied. Will he be missed? I doubt it. Mainly because it opens the door for someone else to make their return to the Arsenal lineup.

Theo Walcott: If you were hung up on the “someone else” in the previous sentence, be hung up no longer – it’s Theo Walcott. Walcott’s return has been like something out of a messianic prophecy, now we just have to see if he can lead us to the promised land.

Wenger told “Walcott is involved because he was already in the squad. Of course I judge him a bit short on the competition front but on the fitness front he is ready to play.”

So while Ramsey is not going to be back, we have a bit of good news in the potential return of Theo Walcott. Not sure starting him as a lone striker is the best move, but we’ll see what tricks the magical Arsene Wenger has up his sleeve.

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