Arsenal Injury News: Returnees Bring Hope to Gunners


Arsenal injury news is rarely a good thing. The word “setback” is more feared in the Arsenal community than the name “Voldermort” in the wizard community. But this Arsenal injury update has no setbacks to speak of.

Aaron Ramsey (now over his pre-setback setback), Mesut Ozil and Mathieu Flamini have all returned to training and at least Ozil could be fit to join the squad against Stoke City (though he more than likely won’t see the pitch).

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This is fantastic news, as our midfield was so drained that Arsene Wenger was actually nearing having to sign someone (deep breath, Wenger, now you don’t have to!)

Ramsey was in absolutely superb form prior to going down with another injury. His goal against Galatasaray is still playing on repeat in my head and I can’t wait to see what kind of form he returns in.

And speaking of good form, Olivier Giroud, our masterful lamppost, has returned from his suspension from an ill-advised head nudge. He was on a torrid pace that put him among the best in the premier league prior to using his noggin as a blunt instrument.

So while Wenger has yet to open the pocket book, he may not have to (or, he may convince himself he doesn’t have to) now that his midfield has been re-bolstered by all the players we’ve always had. That being said, we have all bore witness (yet again) to just how dire it becomes when a few injuries derail our season.

It sure would be nice to sign some cover so this never happens again.

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