Moussa Sissoko Begging Arsene Wenger to Bring him to Arsenal?


I understand that players may be fans of other teams that aren’t necessarily the team that they suit up for, but it seems like Moussa Sissoko is burning bridges at Newcastle and setting himself up for a majorly uncomfortable situation if Arsene Wenger does not bring him to Arsenal.

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After expressing his “love” for Arsenal earlier this month, Sissoko has come out with this gem of statement, as reported by TalkSport:

“I remain focused on Newcastle. If something should happen, it will happen. England remains my priority. If Arsene Wenger calls me? We will have a discussion man to man. Arsenal has always been the club of my heart.”

If I was in any way associated with Newcastle, I’d be incredibly bothered by the 25 year old’s words. How can he remain focuses on Newcastle if he’s telling every media outlet that he loves Arsenal, that it’s the club of his heart and that he’d go there in an instant if given the chance?

Unfortunately for Sissoko, I don’t see him as the answer. When it comes to Defensive Midfielders, Sissoko is too much of an attacker for my liking. I’d much rather see William Cavalho or my dream signing, Grzegorz Krychowiak, both of whom are defensive minded and won’t get caught too far ahead of their defensive position.

Sissoko’s defensive stats aren’t that impressive, as Mathieu Flamini and Francis Coquelin are both superior to him in that regard, so why waste a whopping 25 million pounds for an overpriced player that wouldn’t fit the billing of what we need? It makes no sense to me, and I doubt it makes sense to Arsene Wenger either.

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