Can Arsenal’s Current Squad Rival Thierry Henry’s Invincible-Era Arsenal?

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Right Back: Lauren vs A Lot of People

This is a tough one to judge given Arsenal’s current right back situation, but I’ll do my best to consider all factors.

Lauren was proclaimed by Wenger as one of his best signings and one of the unsung heroes of the Invincible season. However, during 2005/6, Lauren suffered a serious knee injury and never full recovered – his time at Arsenal was over.

So while Lauren was fantastic during a brief two-year stint at the club, his overall Arsenal career will be lost in the times.

The most relevant current Arsenal right back is Hector Bellerin. He has the potential to have an entire career at Arsenal, given that he’s already the first choice at the age of 19, something that not many players can boast. Bellerin is also the fastest player on the team, and with Theo Walcott on the squad, that is also something to boast about.

Just in case you need me to state it outright: The potential is there for Bellerin to do special things at Arsenal. He’s still young and prone to mistakes but the consistency he’s developed far exceeds what we could have expected after seeing him flounder against Borussia Dortmund in the group states of the Champions League.