Hector Bellerin Contract Guarantees Arsenal Future, Ends Carl Jenkinson’s


Hector Bellerin has probably been the greatest emergence on Arsenal next to Francis Coquelin, and as the trend goes, that means he gets more money and more guarantees. Arsene Wenger has confirmed that Bellerin has been offered an extension in light of his fantastic performances and this new deal could spell the end of Carl Jenkinson.

When asked about whether their was a contract offer and how it would effect Jenkinson, Wenger answered, “To the first part of the question I’ll answer yes” (ESPNFC).

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To answer the Jenkinson question, Wenger said “And will it impact Carl Jenkinson? At the moment, in my head, no.” But more on that later.

As far as the merits of Hector Bellerin, I think we all agree that he is deserving of the contract. 19-years old and an undisputed member of the Arsenal first team squad is definitely something to get excited about. Not only is he the fastest player on the team, but he’s showing fantastic instincts and defensive abilities.

I always think that to judge a players prowess, you need to compare him to some of the other top players in his position. So let’s do that with Bellerin, we’ll compare him to some of the best right backs in the Premier League on a per 90 minute basis (via Squawka.com)

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I’ve said it before that stats don’t tell the whole story, but this is a hefty chunk of the story right here. Not only does Hector Bellerin have the best defensive score, but he’s also wracked up the best attacking score as well. He may get edged out in one category or another, but all in all, he is, statistically, the best right back on that table. And given the company he keeps, that’s saying quite a bit.

The deal is supposed to tie up Bellerin until 2019, but no details have been released just yet.

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Now onto how this affects Carl Jenkinson. Despite what Wenger says, this spells the end of Jenkinson at Arsenal. The Mirror even speculates that the deal, when finalized, will allow Jenkinson to stay on permanently at West Ham, but that’s speculative. What’s not speculative is that Carl Jenkinson simply has no place on this team anymore, and while that’s unfortunate given his connection with Arsenal, it’s a side affect of progress.

So, while one Arsenal career is essentially over, another is growing into something that no one saw coming, at least not this quickly. Bellerin’s meteoric rise has been so sudden. It seems like just yesterday he was floundering around against Borussia Dortmund. Now, he’s scoring goals, pitching in assists and blazing down the sidelines like he owns the place.

While we’re still waiting on official details and for the deal to actually be signed, there shouldn’t be any holdup. Bellerin is going to be something special, seeing as how he is already.

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