5 Reasons Why Arsenal Should Start Jack Wilshere Against Chelsea

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5. Chelsea don’t need a win

Chelsea are ten points clear of Arsenal so every three points Arsenal don’t get pushes Chelsea closer to a title. As such, if Arsenal get one point, it doesn’t help them a bit.

But Arsenal need three points, that much is certain. They need to break free of the too-near Manchester United. Chelsea know this and they’ll likely sit back and try to absorb the pressure of the Gunners in the hope of pulling out a draw.

Any time teams sit back and welcome pressure, it usually means a lot of space around midfield to work. Conveniently enough, that’s where Jack Wilshere plays. So while I had originally thought that getting him back into action against a lesser team may be the best option, getting him back into action against a tough team on their haunches may be just as good.

Next: Number 4