5 Things we learned from Arsenal’s defeat to West Ham

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1. Our squad may not be as focused as we thought

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In what was easily the most disappointing moment of the day for me the Arsenal side looked to me like they gave up before the final whistle.  They were attacking with ferocity up until about the 88th minute or so.

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Sure, is it likely to get two goals in the final seven minutes of the match? No, but we as fans and everybody involved with the club deserve a bit more than that.  To see the players moping and not sprinting forward when they had the chance to attack did not sit well with me.

What makes it even more frustrating to me is that this comes in the face of the countless reports from pre-season about our new-found belief in the team and the incredible cohesion around the players.

Call me gullible, but I had bought into the malarkey, I suppose. I hoped Cech might actually bring that experience and ‘winning mentality’ to the club.  Well, it was only one game, but it was an absolute disaster.

Let’s just hope we bounce back in the same way we did two years ago to our opening day 3-1 defeat to Aston Villa (which I had the displeasure of seeing live) and running the Premier League for a few months.  Keep the faith, #COYG

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