Arsenal’s FIFA 16 Player Ratings Dissected

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Francis Coquelin – 78, Aaron Ramsey – 82, Jack Wilshere – 81

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Pain in the Arsenal went with 79, 83 and 82 respectively. Not too shabby.

Francis Coquelin bagged an 8 point increase. That is massive. Clearly we thought he deserved one little smidgen higher, but we will concede that a 78 is justly deserved.

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Then there is Aaron Ramsey. Ramsey did not gain any points despite bagging 9 goals and 7 assists in an injury-plagued year. Ramsey deserved at least a point increase, especially considering that Kieran Gibbs got 2 points for doing little to nothing. If Debuchy remained the same, is that saying that Ramsey had the same impact on the club last year as Debuchy? Seems a bit daft.

Jack Wilshere remained the same as well, somewhat confusingly. If the Ox can get a point based on potential and what he looks like he can be, why can’t Wilshere?

It seems rather silly to be arguing about 1 point differences, but it’s the thought that counts.

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