5 Reasons Zlatan Ibrahimovic Will Not Join Arsenal

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4. He wants the MLS

Zlatan Ibrahimovic said that he wants to play in the MLS. “I would like to play in US, absolutely,” he said as quoted by the MLS official website. How many MLS teams are now clamoring for the signature of Zlatan Ibrahimovic? There will be a line to get him to come to the States.

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The Swede has pegged either New York, Miami or Los Angeles as his likely destinations, which leaves just New York or Los Angeles with Miami still lacking a team. But there in lies another bit of optimism. He wants to play in the MLS, but if his goal is to play in Miami, maybe he thinks that his time has not yet come to move to the United States. Just a thought.

More likely, he is just stating the cities he feels are worthy of his presence. Zlatan Ibrahimovic would do so much for the MLS. He knows it and the MLS knows it. MLS is going to do all they can to bring the two together. Plus, it will give Zlatan another league that he is guaranteed to dominate in. Hard to challenge that.

At number three, we take Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s words seriously.

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