5 Reasons Zlatan Ibrahimovic Will Not Join Arsenal

Ben Sutherland - Flickr Media Commons
Ben Sutherland - Flickr Media Commons /
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3. Zlatan said it’s too late

Whatever happened to guys words being worth something? Just four days ago, Zlatan Ibrahimovic said that “I think it is too late to come to England,” as quoted by the Daily Mail. And yet, here we are just a few days later talking about how he prefers a move to Arsenal. He said it himself, no he does not.

So what optimism can we find in it? Not much. He said “I think” which gives him some wiggle room to point out that he thought wrong. But still, when has Zlatan Ibrahimovic been one to change his mind?

The EPL has always been beckoning for Zlatan Ibrahimovic but he has held off. Now that he has past his prime, England may be daunting for the Swede. Of course, an Ibra past his prime is still better than most strikers in England, but it is not clear if Zlatan wants to risk finishing his competitive career off by learning that he was not able to make it in the EPL. That does not sound very Zlatan-like.

Next, we tackle where this rumor actually came from.

Next: Number 2