5 Reasons Zlatan Ibrahimovic Will Not Join Arsenal

Ben Sutherland - Flickr Media Commons
Ben Sutherland - Flickr Media Commons /
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1. Arsene Wenger

When Zlatan Ibrahimovic was still a teenager and seeking a pitch to call his home, he made a stop at Arsenal. There, he met with Arsene Wenger. Wenger told Ibra that he would give him a trial and the young Swede was excited. However, he was talked out of it under the pretense that Zlatan Ibrahimovic does not do trials.

There ended his time at Arsenal. Ibra even noted in his autobiography that he was not fond of Wenger. He said that the Frenchman kept looking out the window as if he had something better to do.

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And so, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Arsene Wenger parted ways. Given how stubborn and head strong both are, what are the odds that they both have overcome this impasse they hit initially? These are two of the most stubborn people in the world of football. Now suddenly they have decided they want to work together? Color me a skeptic.

The only optimism here is that they have both aged and (hopefully) matured. There was obviously some interest in the beginning, so why not reignite it? This may be grasping at straws, but it’s something.

What do you think Gooners? Is Zlatan realistic or is this just another wayward rumor that is going to blow over?