5 Reasons Mesut Ozil Needs Aaron Ramsey In Arsenal’s Central Midfield

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2. Aaron Ramsey can score

What is the biggest difference between Ramsey and Cazorla? Simple. Ramsey can score. Santi Cazorla has never been a scorer. He has had three sitters this year that he has absolutely blundered. Four if you count the penalty, which I do. Having Cazorla in the middle of the pitch robs Arsenal of a goal scoring option. The little Spaniard brings plenty of other undeniable qualities to the pitch, but it’s a proven fact. He does not score. When he does, it’s through penalties.

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Aaron Ramsey does score. And at a time where Alexis is out and enigmas like the Ox and Joel Campbell have to play on the wings, Arsenal could use a goal scorer wherever they can fit him.

That’s where Aaron Ramsey comes in. Nothing helps Mesut Ozil more than giving him another guy to pass to that can get him assists. What will make life even easier on Mesut Ozil is that his Welsh comrade can shoot from distance. An assist can be as easy as tapping the ball to Ramsey and letting him cut loose. Nothing beats a free assist.

Ramsey could have had a couple goals against Sunderland. If he can get his scoring boots back, Arsenal is in for a treat. Which takes us to the final reason why Ozil should be thrilled to share the center of the pitch with Ramsey.

Next: 1. Ramsey Can Carry The Team