Former Arsenal Captain Cesc Fabregas Unknowingly Slams Jose Mourinho

By Aleksandr Osipov from Ukraine (José Mourinho / Жозе Моуринью) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
By Aleksandr Osipov from Ukraine (José Mourinho / Жозе Моуринью) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons /

Sky Sports did all of Arsenal nature a favor by putting a legend next to a villain and letting the interviewer have a little fun. The result? One looked a fool.

It’s a daring endeavor to sit on a couch with a legend of Arsenal, who you left behind for “better things”. But that is precisely what Cesc Fabregas did and the results could not have gone better. Popping a squat just two feet down from Arsenal poster-child Thierry Henry on what would become the hottest seat in the building, Arsenal’s former ‘Captain Fantastic’ got into many stuttering quandaries. Meanwhile his once-team mate essentially put him to shame.

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When asked about the best manager they have played under, Thierry Henry answered quick as a whip – Arsene Wenger. But Cesc Fabregas tried to make sense of why he could not say and it ended up being rather painful. Cesc Fabregas currently plays under Jose Mourinho, but he has played under Pep Guardiola at Barcelona and obviously Arsene Wenger at Arsenal in the past. Either Fabregas is way too honest of a person or he is scared of what would happen if he said someone other than ‘the special one’.

Before I go any further, have a look for yourself (via the Mirror):

If the answer was Jose Mourinho, Fabregas would have said it straight out. Just like Henry did Wenger. But the fact that it wasn’t Jose Mourinho made him stammer about like a five year old late for his speech pathology class. Why is that? Because the answer he wanted to give was Arsene Wenger.

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Fabregas did not have a good run at Barcelona and was slowly phased out, so it is highly unlikely that he sees Guardiola as the best manager he has played under. So again, either Fabregas is scared to say Arsene Wenger because of the potential backlash it would cause among his relegation-contending team mates or Jose Mourinho had a word in his ear about not making him look bad.

In the end, Mourinho comes out the fool. Fabregas comes out the embarrassment. Thierry Henry does Arsenal proud. All from a couch.

We have to thank SkySports for even putting these two in a position to make this awkward awesomeness a real thing. We also have to thank Thierry Henry for how charismatic he is. And while we are at it, we might as well thank Chelsea for being so gloriously awful this year.

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Keep up the good work Mourinho! You’ve convinced just about everyone that you’re special.