Arsenal’s 10 Worst Signings Ever Under Arsene Wenger

Ronnie Macdonald - Flickr Creative Commons
Ronnie Macdonald - Flickr Creative Commons /
9 of 11

3. Sebastien Squillaci

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The picture says it all.

More from Pain in the Arsenal

No defender on your own club should strike fear in your own supporters’ hearts, but that is precisely what Squillaci did. While Per Mertesacker may lack pace, he makes up for it with his intelligence and positioning. While Squillaci may lack pace, he did not make up for it with anything.

Another victim of the dead money era at Arsenal when nothing good was affordable, Squillaci was bought to try to make something from nothing. It failed. Towards the end of it all, the center back kept his plush paycheck to remain at Arsenal rather than accept less wages to go another team that he may actually be able to play for.

Squillaci made defensive errors an art and it really is remarkable that he could ever have been deemed appropriate for Arsenal’s needs.

Next: Number 2