16. Ainsley Maitland-Niles
The struggle with the next two people on this list is that they are being played so far out of position. Perhaps it’s all a learning experience, but in the meantime, they are going to have some incredibly sup-par performances while they learn the lay of the land.
That said, Ainsley Maitland-Niles has shown a lot of positive qualities as a make-shift left wingback. He has showcased enviable speed, which is obviously crucial at the position. He has also shown an affinity for winning the ball back cleanly and smoothly, which is a nice skill to have for an aspiring central midfielder.
It’s in the attack that I have run into the most question marks with the young Englishman. Mostly because of the inconsistency. He has had moments of brilliance and moments of buffoonery. His final ball has looked sizzling and it has looked awful. All in the span of a few minutes.
Again, as a central midfielder, it’s unclear how much of these skills he’s struggling at that he will need on a regular basis. Not many central midfielders are required to cross the ball as often as he is having to as a wingback. But so long as he is a wingback, that’s what we are judging him on.
(Andy: 18th; Josh: 14th)