Feeling pretty confident about calling this position perfectly too. Even though Cedric Soares and Ainsley Maitland-Niles have worked their way into starting consideration, the lack of fixtures means that we don’t need to rotate here. We should be more focused on keeping top form in our most important players.
That starts with Hector Bellerin starting on the right-hand side. He’s been gradually improving at the role, which is nice to see, and he’s certainly solidified himself as the preferred option, though Cedric is not making that easy on him.
On the left, Bukayo Saka will keep his job. He started here against Villa which would have otherwise worked if the match had gone according to play. Saka is best used as a wingback when we’re going to control possession, otherwise, he needs to be up top.
And that does it. On to the central midfield.