2. Not Clarifying Ainsley Maitland-Niles’ Future Sooner
On the eve of the transfer window deadline day, any player who takes to Instagram to plead for his club to let him leave and play football elsewhere is clearly in the dark over what his future holds.
To then have clear the air talks with the manager hours later where he is informed that he remains in the plans for the coming season just reeks of mismanagement and a lack of communication.
If Ainsley Maitland-Niles was in Arteta’s plans from the beginning then it should have been relayed to him. Keeping Xhaka and signing Lokonga confirmed that the midfield area was solved early enough (in Arsenal’s eyes) to then clarify matters for Maitland-Niles.
It’s even come to light that the 24-year-old has been asking to be played at full-back all season – which feels a bit off – yet has been fielded in midfield all throughout pre-season as well as in the substitute appearances he’s made in the league.
The end result is a player who is currently fourth choice to play central midfield and second, at best, to play right-back. Being informed he’s part of the ‘plans‘, if those involve being on the bench for most of the campaign then Arteta will be left with an unhappy egg heading towards his final year of contract.