Edinson Cavani, Petr Cech and all the Latest Arsenal Transfer Rumors

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Mordan Schniederlin – Likelihood: 5/10

Schniederlin has been linked with Arsenal for quite some time. Not Edinson-Cavani-like time, but still quite some time. The French holding midfielder has been called the perfect fit for Arsenal’s needs, which makes it even less likely that we’ll grab him (that’s a joke).

Currently, he’s interesting every other team in England, with Liverpool, Tottenham and Manchester United set to engage in a bidding war that will more than likely start at 20 million and immediately eliminate Arsenal. But perhaps Wenger will open the piggy bank and find some of those spare funds we’ve been saving for a rainy day.

Schniederlin wants us to believe that no January transfer is coming. He told French Telefoot (as reported by the IBT):

"It’s always difficult to leave in January. I think I’ll finish the season at Southampton and we’ll see what will happen next. I don’t set my mind on these things anymore. What should happen will happen. Since this summer, I learned that you should never think that you’re gone before you actually did."

But if you’re an optimist like me, that means that he is going to move. And if so, why not now?