Kevin Prince-Boateng, Pedro and the Arsenal Transfer Rumors We Don’t Want to See Happen

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Petr Cech

Again, call it blind support of what we currently have, but if Jose Mourinho wants “big money” for 33-year old Petr Cech, I say we don’t appease him.

While 33 years old could mean many more years for Cech given that he’s a goal keeper, and a world class one at that (at least he was world class, he hasn’t played much lately), it’s still 33 years old and to fork out “big money” for a 33-year old just doesn’t sit right with me.

For starters, we have two very capable goal keepers in Wojciech Szczesny and David Ospina. Szczesny is 24, he’s the reigning golden gloves winner, he’s responded very well to being unseated and we’ve seen how world class he can be.

Davis Ospina was brought in just this summer to cover for Szczesny and the results have been superb. Being just 26 himself, he has handled starting keeper duties incredibly well. He still has some kinks to iron out, but he’s a quality keeper that can keep Arsenal appeased at the back.

Cech was one of the best in his time, but all good things come to an end, and Cech’s career is winding down. Ospina and Szczesny are hitting the peaks of their careers and to interrupt it with someone like Cech would complete disrupt anything they had going.

The rumor is coming from the Daily Mail among many other sources, but if they knew Arsene Wenger, they’d know this move probably won’ happen. For one, Wenger and Mourinho don’t exactly see eye to eye. But that’s a minor factor. Wenger bought Ospina just this summer, and we know Wenger isn’t quick to replace a new signing. I need point no further than his lack of signing Cesc Fabregas because of Mesut Ozil’s presence.

Next: Andre-Pierre Gignac