5 Reasons Arsenal Should be Excited over Alexandre Lacazette’s Situation

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3. Champions League Contenders

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Alexandre Lacazette made it clear that he would only move to a Champions League club. Based on reports, the only two English Premier league teams that were in on the French striker were Arsenal and Liverpool. Given Liverpool’s lack of Champion’s league participation, that leaves Arsenal as the only English possibility for Lacazette to make the move too.

This is good for a couple of reasons. First of all, we don’t have to worry about him going to a rival. Secondly, it gives us another chance to pull one over on Liverpool. Thirdly, Arsenal is indeed still an option because of our perennial Champions League qualification.

The point is that if Alexandre Lacazette makes the move to the most competitive league in world football, he has to go to Arsenal based on his own words.

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