Arsenal’s 10 Worst Signings Ever Under Arsene Wenger

Ronnie Macdonald - Flickr Creative Commons
Ronnie Macdonald - Flickr Creative Commons /
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1. Andre Santos

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I cannot help but laugh when I hear this name. The one memory that will never disappear is seeing Andre Santos swapping shirts with Arsenal goat Robin van Persie… at half time. It was one of the most embarrassing moments ever to be seen on national television.

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Santos was brought on as another budget signing and as had been the trend, he failed miserably. The wing back was supposed to be everything wonderful but for 6 million pounds, Arsene Wenger would have been better off buying six million one pound packs of bubblegum for six million lucky contest winners across the globe. It would have made more sense.

The Brazilian left back’s career was full of disappointments and his two year stint at Arsenal was just one of the many.

There is no back line that strikes more fear into the heart of supporters than a back line that is 25% Squillaci, 25% Andre Santos and 50% nothing can cover for that.

Next: Back off Giroud!

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