Arsenal’s 10 Worst Signings Ever Under Arsene Wenger

Ronnie Macdonald - Flickr Creative Commons
Ronnie Macdonald - Flickr Creative Commons /
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6. Park Chu-young

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The scary thing about Park Chu-young was that, believe it or not, he was only released last year.

More from Pain in the Arsenal

The Korean arrived at Arsenal with more question marks than the Riddler’s suit coat and he left with just as many. Wearing the No. 9 shirt has never meant to Arsenal what it means to other clubs and Chu-young is the poster child of that sentiment.

He may have scored early in his Arsenal career at the Carling Cup but in terms of Premier League success, the Korean only grabbed one career appearance. It is hard to call it a disappearing act when he never managed to appear in the first place.

Chalk it up as another player of Asian heritage that never fit the bill at the Emirates.

Next: Number 5